Self Publishing Course from WriteZero (Beginner)

This is the Self Publishing Course from WriteZero (Beginner). It consists of 22 Pillars – each Pillar covers one critical area of Self Publishing. There are also 15 Additional Pillars which cover Extra Credit sections of the Self Publishing Course

Please read these Pillars in order, to get the maximum benefit

  1.  Pillar 1 – Why do You Write?
    1. Finding your Internal Motivations
    2. Finding your External Motivations
  2. Pillar 2 – What is Your Aim with Your Books?
    1. The 23 Paths for Authors
    2. The Importance of Having an Aim and a Path
  3. Pillar 3 – What to Write
    1. 3 Core Skills for Authors
    2. The Absolute Most Important Core Skill – Knowing What to Write
    3. The Right Market
    4. The Right Product for The Right Market
    5. Product Market Fit
  4. Pillar 4 – Keyword Research – The Most Important part of Product Market Fit
    1. What is Keyword Research
    2. Speaking in the Language of Your Clients (Readers)
    3. The Best Tools for Keyword Research
    4. How to actually do Keyword Research
    5. Keyword Research is not as Important as What the Market is Telling You
    6. Always List to the Market
  5. Pillar 5 – Writing a Beautiful Book
    1. Focus on Beauty & Quality
    2. Quality wins over Mediocrity
    3. You will be happier if you Write Beautiful Books
    4. Best Tools for Writing Books
    5. Best Apps for Writing Books
  6. Pillar 6 – Rewriting Your Book
    1. Your First Draft is Never Perfect
    2. How to Rewrite Your Book
    3. Less than 3 Rewrites usually means you are compromising on quality
    4. More than 5 Rewrites is a Bad Idea
    5. Importance of Beta Readers
    6. Importance of Editors
  7. Pillar 7 – Polishing Your Book + Confirming Product Market Fit
    1. If you don’t polish your book you will fail
    2. The Critical Importance of Book Covers
    3. The Critical Importance of Editing
    4. The Critical Importance of Proof Reading
    5. When Is Your Book Polished Enough?
    6. When to switch from Writing & Polishing to Publishing?
  8. Pillar 8 – Publishing Traditionally vs Self Publishing
    1. Traditional Publishing vs Self Publishing
    2. Do you even have the option to be Traditionally Published?
    3. Best Practices when looking to be Traditionally Published
    4. Importance of Product Market Fit when looking to be Traditionally Published
  9. Pillar 9 – Self Publishing & Publishing
    1. Best Practices when Self Publishing
    2. Importance of Focusing on Quality when Self Publishing
    3. If you are self publishing your work will be Terrible at the Beginning
    4. The Best Self Publishing Companies
    5. Free Self Publishing Options
    6. Why you should stay away from Self Publishing Companies that charge a lot
    7. Why you should stay away from Self Publishing Companies that want a large cut of your book sales
    8. Self Publishing at Amazon
    9. Self Publishing at Apple iTunes
    10. Self Publishing at Barnes & Noble Nook
    11. Self Publishing with Digital Distributors like Ingram Spark, Draft 2 Digital, and Smashwords
  10. Pillar 10 – Publishing Exclusively with Amazon
    1. Pros and Cons of giving Amazon Exclusivity
    2. The Danger of Having all Your Eggs in One Basket
    3. Case Studies of Benefiting and Getting Hurt by Going Exclusive with One Company
    4. Case Studies of Benefiting and Getting Hurt by not giving Exclusivity
    5. Our Strong Recommendation is to not give any store exclusivity unless you are desperate
  11. Pillar 11 – Publishing Wide
    1. Pros and Cons of Going Wide
    2. The Challenge of Marketing in Apple, Nook, and Wide Stores
    3. The Danger of not giving Exclusivity to Amazon
    4. Going Wide is a lot more work
    5. Going Wide is the only smart choice if you think long term
  12. Pillar 12 – Promoting & Marketing Your Book
    1. What is Book Marketing?
    2. Is Your Book Marketable?
    3. What Market is Your Book written for?
    4. Is your book The Right Product for the Market you have written it for?
    5. How to Reach the Market Your Book is Written For
    6. How to Reach the People Your Book is Written For
    7. Book Promotion via Book Promotion Sites
    8. Book Promotion via Facebook Ads
    9. Book Promotion via Amazon Marketing Services
    10. Book Promotion via Real World Methods
    11. Book Promotion via Other Means
    12. Book Launch Marketing
    13. Book Launch Marketing when going for Bestseller Status in the Store
    14. Book Launch Marketing when going for Bestseller Status in a Big List
  13. Pillar 13 – Building Your Own Channels to Readers
    1. Building Your Website + How to Capture Readers
    2. Building Your Email Lists
    3. Lead Magnets and the Pros and Cons of Using Lead Magnets
    4. Leveraging Services such as InstaFreebie and BookFunnel to capture readers to your email list
    5. Critical Importance of Your Email List
    6. Leveraging Social Media for ‘Attach’ of Readers
    7. Building Your App to Gather Readers
    8. Using Search Engine Optimization to Gather Readers
    9. Critical Importance of Direct Channels to Readers
    10. Capturing Readers who buy your books
  14. Pillar 14 – Selling Your Book
    1. Different Ways to Sell Your Book
    2. The Best Ways to Sell Your Book
    3. Why selling through your website does not work
    4. Terrible Ways to Sell Your Book
    5. The Best eBook Stores
  15. Pillar 15 – Building a Career
    1. Most Authors are going to Not Build a Career, and that’s OK
    2. Most Authors are going to lose money, and that’s OK
    3. 5 Most Critical Things to Build a Career, as an Author
    4. Focus on Profitability
    5. Focus on Building Assets
    6. The More Books You have, the more successful you will be
    7. The More Direct Channels To Readers you have, the more successful you will be
    8. The less you let others control your destiny, the more successful you will be
    9. Authors who are wide, will be more successful in the long term
    10. Authors who sign traditional publishing deals, will have a higher chance of success
    11. Would you make more in a Day Job?
    12. Should you make Writing a Career, or should it be Your Hobby?
    13. Are you an Author or a Marketer or a Market Researcher
    14. If you prefer Marketing or if you prefer Market Research, that is fine
  16. Pillar 16 – Financial Intelligence
    1. Are you making money selling books, or losing money?
    2. Are you making more than you would in a Day Job?
    3. Are you happier and more successful in your Day Job, or are you happier and more successful as an Author?
    4. The Critical Importance of a good Chartered Accountant
    5. The Critical Importance of Tax Planning
    6. Are you Investing Your Savings Well?
    7. Needless Expenses and How to Cut Them
    8. The Power of Compound Interest
  17. Pillar 17 – Improve Your Skills – Become a Better Marketer
    1. The Core Skill of Marketing Very Well
    2. How to Become a Better Marketer
    3. There is no choice other than to learn Marketing
  18. Pillar 18 – Improve Your Skills – Become Better at Identifying the Right Markets
    1. The Core Skill of Finding the Right Market
    2. How to Become Better at Finding the Right Markets
    3. You have to do Market Analysis – there is no other choice
    4. The Single Most Important Skill – Finding the Right Market
  19. Pillar 19 – Improve Your Skills – Become a Better Author
    1. The Core Skill of Writing Very Well
    2. How to Become a Better Writer
    3. Quality Always Beats Mediocrity – Additional Thoughts
    4. Without a well Written Book, you cannot achieve success (99% of the time)
    5. Very Good Writers and Great Writers underestimate themselves, while all other writes overestimate themselves
  20. Pillar 20 – Building Trust
    1. Reviews trump everything else
    2. Readers trust reviews from other readers, more than anything else
    3. How to Get Reviews from your Loyal Readers
    4. How to Get Reviews from people who like your book
    5. Readers do not know you would like them to review your book
    6. The Pros and Cons of Review Gathering Services
    7. Reviews from Free Books are a necessary evil
    8. Reviews are most powerful when they are from readers who bought your book
    9. Awards that Matter
    10. Most Awards don’t affect Sales
    11. Becoming a Bestseller to Establish Trust
    12. Becoming a Bestseller means You are a Bestseller for Life
    13. Building Trust by Revealing Yourself to be a Human Being
    14. Building Trust with your Book Page
    15. Building Trust with your Website and Email List
    16. Commitment and Consistency
  21. Pillar 21 – To Be Added Later
  22. Pillar 22 – To Be Added Later
  23. Pillar 23 – Accepting and Embracing Failure
    1. The more you fail, the more you will succeed
    2. Failure is just Feedback
    3. Developing the Mental Strength to Embrace Failure
    4. Success requires being very good at the 3 Core Skills
    5. Take 100% Responsibility for Failure, if you want to Succeed


Self Publishing Course from ReviewZero (Beginner) – 15 Pillars for Extra Credit

  1. Pillar X1 – Deals for Authors
  2. Pillar X2 – Apps for Authors
  3. Pillar X3 – Moral Support and Support System
  4. Pillar X4 – What do you really want from your Books and from your Career
  5. Pillar X5 – Taking Control of Your Destiny
  6. Pillar X6 – Taking 100% Responsibility
  7. Pillar X7 – Expanding Your Locus of Influence
  8. Pillar X8 – Minimizing Areas that are Outside Your Control
  9. Pillar X9 – Writing Beautiful Books
  10. Pillar X10 – Writing Books that Make You Money & Profits
  11. Pillar X11 – Mental Strength
  12. Pillar X12 – The Right Mindset
  13. Pillar X13 – Setting the Right SMART Goals
  14. Pillar X14 – Setting Commitments
  15. Pillar X15 – Getting Reviews


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