Can you test a Market without launching a Book?

Yes, actually you can. Here are a few ways Test the Keywords in Google Adwords using a Landing Page Test a Minimum Viable Product i.e. a short story or a novella that is similar in theme to the book you intend to write. Please Note: This has some downsides Use a Kindle Store Keyword Research Tool to see how much money people are actually making in that market Do Market Research and see how many...

Are Adult Coloring Books a Good Business to Get Into?

Yes, most definitely Yes Unless you have a strong dislike for Adult Coloring Books, it is a business every author must explore with at least one or two books Why Adult Coloring Books are a Really Good Business to Get Into (or at least Test) Infinite Market. Adult Coloring Books are the closest you will ever get to an Infinite Market Do not Require a Huge Investment. Unlike a novel which can take...