How do Readers find Books?

If you're an author, perhaps the 2 biggest determinants of whether or not you will succeed are Can you Find The Right Market - a market where readers are dying to read books, books which you can provide them And where there is relatively little competition Can you Reach the Readers in that Perfect Market Can you reach them easily and cheaply Can you reach them again and again, every time you have...

17 Reasons you should not spend $26,000 on a Marketing Package for Your First Book

In no particular order or ranking There is no one on Planet Earth that can give a new author $26,000 worth of effective marketing for their first book. Most people can't even give you $100 worth of effective marketing because your book is just not polished enough when you are a first time author Your first book is usually un-sellable - it is not polished enough, it is not packaged well, it is not...

Things that Scare Readers Away AKA What Authors should NEVER do

This is just a Grand List of things we see Authors do, which totally kill their book sales and their happiness. As far as possible, avoid doing these things Writing Something that No One Wants to Read This is by far the biggest mistake you can make. Before you spend 6 years researching and writing a book on the mating habits of newts, do a few hours of market research and check whether 270,000...