What Gets Measured Gets Managed for Authors

Please Note: All Credit for the Idea of 'What Gets Measured Gets Managed' goes to Peter Drucker, one of the foremost Marketing Gurus of the 20th Century, and to William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), the Scottish physicist Thanks to A Thinking Person for this beautiful comment from Lord Kelvin I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something...

How Big is Kindle Unlimited? Is it 3 Million Subscribers? Is it 10 Million Subscribers?

Warning: This is not scientific. This is A GUESS. This is based on Assumptions and it's literally called a Guesstimate i.e. Guess + Estimate. Except for Amazon, no one knows exactly how many Kindle Unlimited subscribers there are First, let's look at various guesses over the years Fortune in 2015 thought Kindle Unlimited had 2 million subscribers The Passive Voice in 2017 thought Kindle Unlimited...