What does it mean if your book is not getting Reviews?

You have to have over 1,000 sales before you can draw any conclusions The first thing is that you need to have over 1,000 paid book sales before you can analyze If you are unable to get 1,000 paid sales and only have free book download to work off of, then please keep in mind Results from free book downloads are not as relevant as results from paid book sales Results from 'Review in return for a...

How to Be Honest with Yourself (for Authors & Writers)

In general, the more brutally honest you are with yourself, the more successful you will be Here are a few reasons Authors are rarely honest with themselves (let alone brutally honest) Thinking your book is YOU. That if you admit your book needs more polish, then you are somehow admitting you are flawed. Your Book is just something you wrote - it is not you, it is not your baby, it is not your...

17 Reasons you should not spend $26,000 on a Marketing Package for Your First Book

In no particular order or ranking There is no one on Planet Earth that can give a new author $26,000 worth of effective marketing for their first book. Most people can't even give you $100 worth of effective marketing because your book is just not polished enough when you are a first time author Your first book is usually un-sellable - it is not polished enough, it is not packaged well, it is not...

Why Increasing Your Typing Speed is One of the Very Best Things You can do as An Author

Our brains work a LOT faster than we can speak, write, type, or even read If you're an author or writer, then the speed at which you write books is primarily dictated by how fast you can type Firstly, the faster you can type, the more books you can write Secondly, being able to type fast is important so that you can type fast enough to not interrupt your flow of thinking Thirdly, being able to...

Would you pick The Perfect Market or Incredible Writing Talent?

A Genie appears and tells you that you can choose one of the two The Perfect Market. No one else has written a book for it. Readers in that market are dying for someone to write a book. Market Success is guaranteed. The first person to write a book will be incredibly successful. You will be the first and only person (at least for the first 5 years) writing for that market Incredible Writing...

To Be An Author you must move away from The Consumer Mindset and Embrace The Creator Mindset

Focus on Giving Value, instead of Getting Value A Creator GIVES VALUE, finds internal validation, finds internal drive and motivation. You create something and ADD VALUE to the world A Consumer seeks value, seeks external validation, seeks external meaning. A consumer looks to just take and consume, without giving anything back in return Focus on CREATION and not Consumption A Creator focuses on...

How to Make Time for your Author Responsibilities while still having a Day Job

You have to Make the Most Out of Your Time The best way to look at this, is to consider all the time and effort and energy people devote to things other than their day job Television and Movies - if you are serious about being an author then you have to say goodbye to weekends spent bingeing on Netflix. 1 or 2 TV Shows a week are OK. 1 or 2 Movies a month is all you can afford. You are now making...

Should an Author start a Company and become an Entrepreneur/a Business?

Our views on this are very, very, very clear - There is absolutely no good reason to not incorporate as a LLC or Corporation In fact, you absolutely MUST incorporate as an LLC or a Corporation if you are serious about building a career as an author Very Important: This is not Legal or Tax Advice. Please consult a lawyer for legal advice. Please consult a CPA for tax advice Very Important: Your...

What would Authors do differently if they could Start Over from Scratch?

Here are some answers for What Authors would do differently if they could Start Over from Scratch Pay yourself a Salary Note: This necessitates a lot of good things such as being profitable, managing your finances, looking out for #1, etc Even if your day job can subsidize your future career as an author - make sure you keep this new business (writing) profitable and pay yourself a salary Capture...

Why do Authors massively underestimate the importance of their Book Cover?

It's quite interesting that most authors will spend hours and hours writing out a perfect Book Description, which no one reads (yes, Seth Godin is right - Book Blurbs don't matter at all) And At The Same Time Those same authors will pick out a cover at random, or take 10 minutes on Photoshop to make their cover Your Book Cover is the Single Most Important determinant of Book Sales - It is...