Even the best Marketing is useless if you have written a book for which no market exists
Before spending on Marketing, make sure A Market Exists for the book you have written
Even Better, research and confirm a market exists BEFORE you start writing a book
The Return on Marketing depends on the Quality of Your Product
Perhaps the most painful realization for authors is that marketing only works if you have a product worth selling
You can spend a lot of time blaming everyone else. In the end your marketing results will depend primarily on how good your book is
Marketing is an Art and Science in itself
It is an Art because you have to go with gut instinct a lot of the time (and it’s right a lot of the time)
It is a Science because of principles such as
What Gets Measured Gets Managed
Pareto Principle
Marketing is one of the 3 Core Skills for Authors
The other two are – Knowing What to Write, Writing Very Well
The More Books you have to sell, the more effective each Dollar spent on Marketing Will Be
Perhaps the best thing an author can do for marketing efficiency is to write more books
Marketing to people and getting sales is TWICE as powerful if you can also capture their contact information
As it allows you to market to them again, for free
Marketing is an Infinite Skill
You can never learn everything there is to learn about Marketing and Sales
Marketing itself is always evolving
Marketing is a very critical skill. People who are good at marketing and sales always have a job
The Absolute Best Product is useless without good marketing
Without marketing, no one knows the product exists
So the product might be the best product of all time and it would still fail without good marketing
You can sacrifice on everything except Marketing
Marketing generates Sales
Sales keep your company/your career going
You can cut on other parts of your business, yet you can never compromise on Marketing and Sales
The best Marketing is subtle
The corollary is that the worst marketing is usually aggressive and in your face
Marketing Follows the dual principles of Pareto Principle and What Gets Measured Gets Managed
Please read the post on Pareto Principle for Authors to learn more about the Pareto Principle. Basically it says that 80% of your Results will come from 20% of Your Marketing
Please read the post on What Gets Measured Gets Managed for Authors to learn about WGMGM. Basically it says that we tend to optimize and manage what we measure. If you want to improve sales, measure sales. If you want to improve marketing, measures sales generated per dollar of marketing spend
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