What is the Best Day of the Week to Launch a Book?

This is a very tough question to answer Let's consider a few cases When Trying for Bestseller Lists If you are trying for a big bestseller list, such as New York Times Bestseller List or USA Today Bestseller List, then you must launch according to their 'weekly dates' i.e. When determining what books are considered bestsellers for the week, they consider a specific set of 7 days. You must find...

Pareto Principle and The 80/20 Rule for Authors

Please Note: Credit for Pareto Principle goes to Italian researcher Pareto (after whom it is named) Please Note: Credit for 80/20 Principle goes to Mr. Koch who wrote the book on it. His book is inspired by the Pareto Principle What is the Pareto Principle? The Pareto Principle says that in any system there is an imbalance The vast majority of 'good results' flow from a small percentage of the...

11 Most Important Marketing Principles for Authors

Even the best Marketing is useless if you have written a book for which no market exists Before spending on Marketing, make sure A Market Exists for the book you have written Even Better, research and confirm a market exists BEFORE you start writing a book The Return on Marketing depends on the Quality of Your Product Perhaps the most painful realization for authors is that marketing only works...

How long for an Author to learn to start making good book covers?

In general, to make covers as good as a Professional Cover Designer, you would need to have a similar level of practice and experience and skill as one That means 3 to 4 years of College to learn Graphic Design 5 to 10 years of working as a Graphic Designer doing 5 to 8 hours of design work each week day 5 to 10 years of working as a Book Cover Designer, doing 5 to 8 hours of book cover design...

How do Readers find Books?

If you're an author, perhaps the 2 biggest determinants of whether or not you will succeed are Can you Find The Right Market - a market where readers are dying to read books, books which you can provide them And where there is relatively little competition Can you Reach the Readers in that Perfect Market Can you reach them easily and cheaply Can you reach them again and again, every time you have...

What are the Elements of a Beautiful Cover which will Sell Books

A Cover has two main functions Before the reader has arrived at the book page It must catch the reader's eye It must get the reader to click on the cover and go to the book page On the Book Page itself, the Cover has one main function It must have very high quality and detail, and convince the reader that the book is worth buying These 3 goals are best accomplished when the following elements are...

How can we Bridge the Massive Gap from Failure to Success?

After recognizing that the Difference between Success and Failure is Huge, the natural question that arises is How Can We Bridge the Massive Gap from Failure to Success? Well, even before that, you should ask yourself Do you really want to Succeed? It takes a lot of hard work to succeed You might be better off Focusing on some other area where you have more natural talent Focusing on an area...

The Difference between Success and Failure is often Huge

Often you will hear people say things such as It's just that this author has better marketing, my writing is much better I narrowly missed out. A little bit of luck and I would have been very successful Not sure what slight edge they have which makes them win That author does not write better than me, why does he sell so much more That company is just slightly better, why do they have 90% market...